From 10 am until 12:30 pm
At Brigid's Loft
$95 (includes materials)
We are delighted to welcome Robert Mahar back to Bazaar Girls to do two of his fun, creative workshops, just in time for your holiday gift-giving.
Create your souvenir of the season, and hand stitch a (waterless!) version of the
classic snow globe. Robert will teach you an array of embroidery stitches so you can create your wintry wonderland. You'll apply the stitches to a vintage evergreen tree illustration custom printed onto linen cotton canvas. Instruction will also cover the application of seed beads, sequins, and pearls. You will display your work in a hand-crafted wood base, which completes the "snow globe" illusion and allows you to hang or display your creation.
All materials (TWO custom samplers, practice fabric, a limited palette of embroidery
floss, a glass vial of assorted embellishments, a wood hoop, a poinsettia-red custom
wood hoop stand, backing materials, and needle!) along with instructional diagrams are
provided and included in the class cost. However, if you have favorite embroidery
tools, or embellishments or prefer specific colors of embroidery floss (6-strand or perle)
you are encouraged to bring these items to the workshop.
We’re excited to have him back.
So looking forward to another Robert Mahar class!