Spinning for Lace with Michael Kelson


From 1:30 pm until 4:30 pm

At Pope Marine Building


Knitters and weavers are surrounded by lace! Would you like to use your handspun with your next lace knitting or weaving project? With lace yarns, one size does not fit all. Lace can be tightly spun worsted, softly spun woolen, or anywhere in between. With a little experimentation and thoughtful choice of fiber and preparation, it’s possible to spin the perfect lace yarn for your next project.

This class will explore techniques for successfully spinning lace yarns. We will discuss what makes a good lace yarn, basic wheel adjustments, techniques for diameter control and spinning consistent singles, evaluating the twist in your singles, and techniques for plying and finishing. We will concentrate on spinning with local Shetland and Gotland.

Skills you will learn:

- Identifying properties that make a good lace yarn;

- How micron count, staple length, crimp structure, and fiber preparation might influence

your spinning choices;

- How to spin with a more consistent diameter and single twist;

- Plying choices for worsted and woolen spun lace yarns;

Prerequisites: Successful students should have a good working relationship with their spinning wheels, be able to spin a consistent single, and have some experience plying and finishing yarn.

Bring A spinning wheel in good working condition with extra bobbins, a notebook, and a lazy Kate (if you have one). Bring any tools you might like to use (hand cards, mini-combs) and any fiber you would like to practice with.

Local Shetland and Gotland will be available to purchase at Bazaar Girls.

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